دوشنبه، مرداد ۲۰، ۱۳۸۲

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday...
" The law, in it's magestic equality,forbids the rich , as well as the poor, to sleep under the bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread"!
Don't worry! There were only a test...
You read in this weblog , articles from an iranian lawyer...
But...but my archieves are in persian yet and you can read them now and enjoy them!
...then I write in english...
Oh god! what can I do when my weblog can not or maybe doesn't want to write in persian?!
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قرار عدم خروج از كشور:
قرار عدم خروج از كشور

دوشنبه، مرداد ۱۳، ۱۳۸۲

اولين دستگيري خرابكار اينترنتي در ايران. اما آيا قانوني هم داريم كه عمل او را مجرمانه قلمداد نمايد؟!